Monday, July 16, 2007

Career survey results

So I got this email from the Career Development Office about completing the Career Leader survey that would let you know what career paths you should consider looking at. After completing it, to my surprise, my current industry didn't even make the shortlist! I totally agree with all the career paths listed but to exclude that one job function was a big letdown for me. Does that mean that I have wasted all these years? And I do hope to use the industry knowledge post MBA but in a different job function. I've put that down in my to-do list in OneNote as a point for discussion when I attend the Career Leader session during pre-term. I'm really digging my tablet pc!

I've decided to postpone my exams for a few weeks. I can't seem to get the summer vacation out of my body! When next will I have this kind of work-free holiday? All I really just want to do is sleep, shop, watch movies, lazy around, visit places and try out some new recipes. I could always lose any weight gain when I get to school, right?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Okay okay!

I have been trying to enjoy my time off in addition to sorting out some family commitment but I have also had a secret assignment that I have been taking care of. All my friends and family have been encouraging me to do some professional exams and my excuse has always been that I can't afford it yada yada. Anyway, last month my other half (Prince) decides to pay for the exams. Men, I was busted! Now, these exams are not cheap by any standard and I could have used the money for some nice pre-school shopping. Okay, so I come with the excuse that the time is too short and I can't do 3 exams before school starts. But Prince was quick to remind me that on average that I hardly ever study for an exam for more than a month and I do that still reading novels everyday and watching movies. And this is actually true. My classmates and colleagues always marvel about it. But I do that to relieve stress. So now I have a lot of reading to do and goodbye to the beaches and watching the sunset. I'm so sad about that. And I don't like studying for exams. The first one is next week and I still have a lot to read. I've thought about postponing it but that would eat into the one week that I managed to squeeze out to rest before school starts and I need that holiday! Wish me luck.

On the MBA front, I've received the first term bill from MIT. Just seeing how much I have to pay gives me chills. I started asking myself : "Why am I doing this MBA?" That's why your essays have to ring true and be a result of deep soul searching. I'm sure there will be many more times when I have to remind myself of what I wrote in the essays and what my dreams and goals are.

I'm still going to post the pictures of my new laptop as soon as I find my camera. I hope I haven't packed it in the boxes I'm shipping via UPS.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So far................

I have finally moved my things to my friend's house where I will be staying till school starts. Then I will move again to Boston. I had no idea that I had a lot of things. At least this moving has given me a chance to prune down my stuff. I must say that I dislike moving. I've disconnected my cable, Internet and phone so that should save me some change. Every dollar counts now.
My X61 tablet laptop has shipped and I will be getting it on Thursday. I'll put up pictures once I unpack it. My laptop bag should be arriving about then.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to go on any of MIT E-Treks because of a friend's wedding on the same weekend. I'm sad about that but I guess there will be other opportunities.

Happy 4th of July!