Friday, July 13, 2007

Okay okay!

I have been trying to enjoy my time off in addition to sorting out some family commitment but I have also had a secret assignment that I have been taking care of. All my friends and family have been encouraging me to do some professional exams and my excuse has always been that I can't afford it yada yada. Anyway, last month my other half (Prince) decides to pay for the exams. Men, I was busted! Now, these exams are not cheap by any standard and I could have used the money for some nice pre-school shopping. Okay, so I come with the excuse that the time is too short and I can't do 3 exams before school starts. But Prince was quick to remind me that on average that I hardly ever study for an exam for more than a month and I do that still reading novels everyday and watching movies. And this is actually true. My classmates and colleagues always marvel about it. But I do that to relieve stress. So now I have a lot of reading to do and goodbye to the beaches and watching the sunset. I'm so sad about that. And I don't like studying for exams. The first one is next week and I still have a lot to read. I've thought about postponing it but that would eat into the one week that I managed to squeeze out to rest before school starts and I need that holiday! Wish me luck.

On the MBA front, I've received the first term bill from MIT. Just seeing how much I have to pay gives me chills. I started asking myself : "Why am I doing this MBA?" That's why your essays have to ring true and be a result of deep soul searching. I'm sure there will be many more times when I have to remind myself of what I wrote in the essays and what my dreams and goals are.

I'm still going to post the pictures of my new laptop as soon as I find my camera. I hope I haven't packed it in the boxes I'm shipping via UPS.

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