Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Moments of introspection

So much seems to be going through my mind as I wind down on the last days of work. The reality that I would be unemployed soon is now dawning on me. Many changes would have to occur:
1)Cut down on the amount of financial support that I provide to members of my extended family. I enjoy giving money whenever there is a need and I'm currently not looking forward to feeling frustrated when I can't do this. Luckily, family members are aware that I am going to bschool and have been supportive.
2)Cut down on my spending budget for clothes. Maybe I need to quickly purchase the necessary items now that I can still afford them.
3)Put aside enough money for maintaining my novel reading habits. Can't even compromise this for bschool.
4) Disengage myself temporarily from some of my volunteer responsibilities. Since I would be relocating, virtual support wouldn't really do much.
5)Learn to be a student again. I don't have any plans other than to throw myself into it. I have absolutely no plans to read any materials during the summer. I have enough movies, tv shows, novels and hangouts to take care of. No need to further clutter my busy schedule.

OK. Back to pursuing my housing options.

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