Thursday, May 3, 2007

New debt...............

Applied for the citiassist loan yesterday. Was approved today. I have faxed all my documents to the International Student Office.More progress on my checklist.
Started reading a new novel yesterday. Hope to finish it this evening.
Planning on making an appointment tomorrow to see my physician. Hope his schedule is not too busy. Need to have my medical forms filled out. I can't seem to be able to access some of my immunization records and I hope that I won't have to take them all again. Needles are not a big deal for me but hey, who wants to be poked?
I hope to work some more on my housing issues over this weekend.


Forrest Gump said...

wow, things seem to be moving really quickly at your end. good luck with the process - the sooner it completes, the more you can enjoy before school starts.

Bancaku said...

@forrest grump: Thanks!